Online Home School Program

Online school teaching has become popular and more of a necessity because of the present COVID 19 global Pandemic. However this emergency related condition is not the real ‘Home Schooling’, which is far more superior and fulfills the criteria of developing your child holistically; which is what is offered at Joyversity. Further as an additional perspective the student at ‘Joyversity Online Home School’ develops an ‘International American Accent’, which enables them to access wider global opportunities. Another plus point is the negative influences from fellow students sharing, unhealthy information, games and media, including the bullying and intimidation that happens, all of which gets done away with.

‘Home Schooling’ has many advantages, each child’s intrinsic creative skills get assessed and learning happens focusing on enriching unique gifts or skills, which is unlikely/impossible) in a ‘herd-education system’ producing multiple copies of the same kind. Further the obnoxious spirit of competition is eliminated and replaced with cooperation and collaboration that is more humanistic, productive and beneficial in terms of well-being of the individual. Thus home schooling protects your child from getting exposed to behavior related disorders in later years and assures wellness of spirit, mind and body. Home schooling can happen in a family with a parent’s guidance or a group of children can gather at a suitable home-setting with an elder/ parent providing supervision. Joyversity online home school also avoids to and fro travel and saves time, space and money.

Online Home School Program

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